

SENDR Voice broadcasting Campaigns

Use the power of the SENDR API to create and manage your voice campaigns

Create campaigns and get detailed reports, all through our JSON-RPC API.

Use all the same features than in our SENDR user interface through our API. Upload addressbooks, link them to campaigns and begin broadcasting messages to your clients now.

In these examples, we will focus on creating voice broadcasting campaigns without user interaction.


    API init

    require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Composer
    $api = new \CALLR\API\Client;
    $api->setAuth(new \CALLR\API\Authentication\LoginPasswordAuth('login', 'password'));
    var callr = require('callr');
    var api = new callr.api(callr.loginPasswordAuth('login', 'password'));
    require 'callr'
    api ='login', 'password')
    import callr
    api = callr.Api("login", "password")

    Create and upload addressbook

    Host a CSV or XLS file on a server and provide us with the URL so we can import it on our platform. Maximum file size is 10MB.

    $webhook = new stdClass;
    $webhook->endpoint = '';
    // Returns a Job ID, POST request made to webhook endpoint when import job is done.
    $result = $api->call('media.import_file_from_url_async', ['', $webhook]);
    // ...
    $phoneNumbersColumn = 3;
    $addressbook = $api->call('sendr/10/addressbook.create', ['My Address Book', 'Description']);
    // when returned Job is done, addressbook content is set from imported file if correctly formatted
    // $importData = POST data recieved on webhook endpoint when import is done
    $result = $api->call(
        [$addressbook->hash, $importData->result->filename, $phoneNumbersColumn, 'FR', $webhook]
    // partial webhook object to recieve status updates
    var webhook = {
        'endpoint': ''
    // Returns a Job ID, POST request made to webhook endpoint when import job is done.'media.import_file_from_url_async', '', webhook).success(function (){
        // ... success callback
    // ...'sendr/10/addressbook.create', 'My AddressBook', 'Description').success(function addressBookCreated(ab) {
        var phoneNumbersColumn = 3;
        // var importData = POST data recieved on webhook endpoint when import is done'sendr/10/addressbook.append_file_async', ab.hash, importData.result.filename,
                phoneNumbersColumn, 'FR', webhook).success(function () {
            // when returned Job is done, addressbook content is set from imported file.

    Get a new campaign object

    To create a new campaign, it is easier to start from a partial pre-configured object generated from our API.

    $campaign = $api->call('sendr/10/campaign.get_object_template', ['VOICE_SIMPLE']);
    'sendr/10/campaign.get_object_template', 'VOICE_SIMPLE').success(function (campaign) {
        // ...

    You will receive a partial campaign object like the following:

        "type": "VOICE_SIMPLE",
        "name": "",
        "options": {
          "cli": "BLOCKED",
          "ccl": 1,
          "call_recording": false,
          "auto_stop": {
            "enabled": false,
            "per_answer_count": {
              "enabled": false,
              "count": 0
            "per_key": {
              "enabled": false,
              "key_0": 0,
              "key_1": 0,
              "key_2": 0,
              "key_3": 0,
              "key_4": 0,
              "key_5": 0,
              "key_6": 0,
              "key_7": 0,
              "key_8": 0,
              "key_9": 0
          "followup": {
            "enabled": false,
            "conditions": {
              "no_response": false,
              "voicemail_detected": false,
              "short_call": false,
              "short_call_duration": 5
            "actions": {
              "callback": {
                "enabled": false,
                "count": 1,
                "delay_minutes": 30
              "sms": {
                "enabled": false,
                "sender": "",
                "text": ""
          "optout_enabled": false,
          "optout_blacklist": "",
          "nature": "MARKETING",
          "send_report": {
            "enabled": false,
            "emails": [],
            "phones": []
        "ivr": {
          "prompt": [],
          "goodbye": [],
          "voicemail_detect_method": "NO",
          "voicemail_detect_media": [],
          "voicemail_broadcast": [],
          "broadcast": [],
          "optout_intro": [],
          "optout_confirmed": []
        "addressbook": {
          "hash": ""
        "blacklist": {
          "method": "ALL",
          "selected": []
        "schedule": {
          "enabled": false,
          "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
          "days": {}
        "is_archived": false

    Customizing campaign

    Let's edit our partial object to fit our needs and check the assigned values for errors.


    • Sendr.10.Campaign
    • Media.Library


    // $campaign = partial object from last step
    // $addressbook = addressbook object created in first step
    // Setting a name
    $campaign->name = "My CALLR Campaign";
    // Linking our campaign to our addressbook
    $campaign->addressbook->hash = $addressbook->hash;
    // Setting voicemail detection to AUTO
    $campaign->ivr->voicemail_detect_method = "AUTO";
    // Setting main messages to be played, can be multiple files.
    // Number are IDs of Media.library objects
    $campaign->ivr->broadcast = [133872, 133876];
    // Setting CLI to a number we own
    $campaign->options->cli = "+33612345678";
    // Max concurrent calls
    $campaign->options->ccl = 5;
    // Recording calls
    $campaign->options->call_recording = true;
    // We want an automatic callback 2 times if voicemail is detected or if no answer
    $campaign->followup->enabled = true;
    $campaign->followup->conditions->voicemail_detected = true;
    $campaign->followup->conditions->no_response = true;
    $campaign->followup->actions->callback->enabled = true;
    $campaign->followup->actions->callback->count = 2;
    // If still no answer, we want to send an SMS
    $campaign->followup->sms->enabled = true;
    $campaign->followup->sms->sender = "SMS";
    $campaign->followup->sms->text = "We tried to reach you!";
    // We want to get reports mailed
    $campaign->options->send_report->enabled = true;
    $campaign->options->send_report->emails = [""];
    // Lastly, we want to add some scheduling options
    // We want to pause the campaign each Monday and Thursday between 12:00 and 14:30.
    $scheduleDays = new stdClass();
    $scheduleDays->mon = [
        (object)['action' => 'pause', 'hour' => '12:00'],
        (object)['action' => 'unpause', 'hour' => '14:30']
    $scheduleDays->thu = [
        (object)['action' => 'pause', 'hour' => '12:00'],
        (object)['action' => 'unpause', 'hour' => '14:30']
    $campaign->schedule->enabled = true;
    $campaign->schedule->days = $scheduleDays;
    // Checking our campaign object for errors
    $errors = $api->call('sendr/10/campaign.check', [$campaign]);
    // var campaign = partial object from last step
    // var addressbook = addressbook object created in first step
    // Setting a name = "My CALLR Campaign";
    // Linking our campaign to our addressbook
    campaign.addressbook.hash = addressbook.hash;
    // Setting voicemail detection to AUTO
    campaign.ivr.voicemail_detect_method = "AUTO";
    // Setting main messages to be played, can be multiple files.
    // Number are IDs of Media.library objects
    campaign.ivr.broadcast = [133872, 133876];
    // Setting CLI to a number we own
    campaign.options.cli = "+447890123456";
    // Max concurrent calls
    campaign.options.ccl = 5;
    // Recording calls
    campaign.options.call_recording = true;
    // We want an automatic callback 2 times if voicemail is detected or if no answer
    campaign.followup.enabled = true;
    campaign.followup.conditions.voicemail_detected = true;
    campaign.followup.conditions.no_response = true;
    campaign.followup.actions.callback.enabled = true;
    campaign.followup.actions.callback.count = 2;
    // If still no answer, we want to send an SMS
    campaign.followup.sms.enabled = true;
    campaign.followup.sms.sender = "SMS";
    campaign.followup.sms->text = "We tried to reach you!";
    // We want to get reports mailed
    campaign.options.send_report.enabled = true;
    campaign.options.send_report.emails = [""];
    // Lastly, we want to add some scheduling options
    // We want to pause the campaign each Monday and Thursday between 12:00 and 14:30.
    campaign.schedule.enabled = true;
    campaign.schedule.days = {
        'mon': [
                'action' => 'pause', 'hour' => '12:00'
                'action' => 'unpause', 'hour' => '14:30'
        'thu': [
                'action' => 'pause', 'hour' => '12:00'
                'action' => 'unpause', 'hour' => '14:30'
    // Checking our campaign object for errors'sendr/10/campaign.check', campaign).success(function (errors) {
        // ...

    Saving campaign



    • Sendr.10.Campaign
    // Returns the full saved campaign object
    $fullCampaign = $api->call('sendr/10/', [$campaign]);
    'sendr/10/', campaign);

    Testing our campaign

    We can test our campaign object against a given number to ensure that it behaves like intended.

    $number = '+33612345678';
    $result = $api->call('sendr/10/campaign.start_test_call', [$number, $campaign, []]);
    var number = '+33612345678';'sendr/10/campaign.start_test_call', number, campaign, []);

    Start/pause/stop a campaign

    Starting our campaign as well as pausing or putting an end to it with a simple API call.

    $result = $api->call('sendr/10/campaign.start', [$campaign->hash]);
    $result = $api->call('sendr/10/campaign.pause', [$campaign->hash]);
    $result = $api->call('sendr/10/campaign.stop', [$campaign->hash]);
    'sendr/10/campaign.start', campaign.hash);'sendr/10/campaign.pause', campaign.hash);'sendr/10/campaign.stop', campaign.hash);

    Getting campaign status

    $cpg = $api->call('sendr/10/campaign.get', [$campaign->hash]);
    'sendr/10/campaign.get', campaign.hash).success(function (cpg) {

    Status objects look like the following JSON:

          "run_id": 1,
          "state": "FINISHED",
          "finished_cause": "DONE",
          "finished_cause_data": null,
          "percent": 100,
          "items_done": 12,
          "items_total": 12,
          "items_total_t": 12,
          "counters": {
            "broadcast": {
              "completed": 7,
              "history": {
                "2016-02-29 13:00:00": 7
            "cost": "1400",
            "call_status": {
              "ANSWERED/COMPLETE": 7,
              "ANSWERED/INCOMPLETE": 0,
              "ABSENT/NO_ANSWER": 0,
              "ABSENT/BUSY": 0,
              "ERROR/UNALLOCATED_NUMBER": 0,
              "ERROR/REJECTED": 2,
              "ERROR/BLACKLISTED": 3,
              "ERROR/OTHER": 0
            "calls": 12,
            "calls_active": 0,
            "calls_answered": 7,
            "acd": 7,
            "retries": {
              "count": 0,
              "sms_sent": 0,
              "cause": {
                "NO_RESPONSE": 0,
                "VOICEMAIL_DETECTED": 0,
                "SHORTCALL": 0,
                "CALLBACK": 0
            "optouts": 0,
            "keys": {
              "key_0": 0,
              "key_1": 0,
              "key_2": 0,
              "key_3": 0,
              "key_4": 0,
              "key_5": 0,
              "key_6": 0,
              "key_7": 0,
              "key_8": 0,
              "key_9": 0

    Getting campaign report

    To get a report, the campaign must have ended or be stopped before, otherwise the report will not be available.



    • Sendr.10.Report
    $report = $api->call('sendr/10/report.get', [$campaign->hash]);
    'sendr/10/report.get', campaign.hash).success(function (report) {

    Export campaign report

    You have the possibility of generating CSV file exports of campaign's reports. A campaign may have several reports attached if it has been paused and started again.




    • Sendr.10.Report
    $webhook = new stdClass;
    $webhook->endpoint = '';
    $report = $api->call('sendr/10/report.export_async', [$campaign->reports[0]->hash, 'CSV_UTF8', null, $webhook]);
    // ...
    // $exportData = POST data recieved on webhook endpoint when export is available
    $export = file_get_contents($exportData->result->url);
    var request = require('request');
    // partial webhook object to recieve status updates
    var webhook = {
        'endpoint': ''
    };'sendr/10/report.export_async', campaign.reports[0].hash, 'CSV_UTF8', null, webhook).success(function (response) {
        // ...
    // var exportData = POST data recieved on webhook endpoint when export is available
    request.get(exportData.result.url, function (error, response, body) {
        if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
            var csv = body;
            // ...